Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Day hunting

Today, I learned that househunting with a two year old is not a fun thing...well, the actual house hunting part isn't that bad, but the realtor's office part is!

We went to Sumter with Matt to try to find him a house...we found a really nice one, but since we BOTH forgot our wallets, he didn't get to do any of the paperwork or anything...but he'll get that taken care of this week!

Oh, and if you give a kid ice cream, he'll sit down and behave...for a few minutes at least!

1 comment:

  1. hey, i don't actually know you, but I stumbled upon your blog and I think it is so amazing. I hope you're able to post everyday so that at the end of the year you can see all of your blesssings. I should probably try something like that. I would tell you to check out my page but you don't have to. buh-bye!
