Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Alex, the Easter boy!

We celebrated Easter several ways! We started out the weekend before Easter by going to Sesquicentennial State Park for their Easter egg hunt festivities. Alex's favorite part was getting to play with the real bunnies :)

Next, we went to the toddler area. Instead of actually hiding things, they just scattered candy about. I had a lot of fun picking up loads of candy. I didn't realize it, but Daddy was pulling candy out of my basket and throwing it back so I didn't end up with too much :)

After the candy hunt, we went to see the various games. I played a little bit of mini golf - look how far I hit the first couple of balls! Once Daddy showed me how to hit the balls, I was a pro.

We went back to see the bunnies for a bit, but by that point, I was far more interested in my sucker than in the bunnies...even though I got to hold one!

While Daddy was rearranging the garage, he found his trumpet and tried teaching me how to use it. I wrapped my mouth around the mouthpiece and blew for all I was worth! It was more like humming than actual blowing, but it amused Mommy and Daddy :)

We had a playdate field trip to the fire station. I was NOT impressed. First, we watched a video about fire safety, then they took us to see the trucks. We also got to see how fast a fireman gets dressed! But by the time his feet were in his boots, I was done and ready to go. I spent the rest of the trip being fussy and cranky.

In preparation for our Easter playdate, I helped Mommy dye some eggs. I had so much fun dunking the eggs and getting them out! Afterward, I even decorated them all so nicely with stickers.

The playdate was totally awesome. There were about 250 eggs scattered about for us to gather. Some were hidden for the bigger kids, but most were just spread on the ground for us to pick up!

Once the novelty wore off, we all headed off to play. Madison and I started reading on Megan's bed, and soon, everyone joined us!

First came Lindley. I swear, that girl just won't leave me along! Not that I mind, though :)

Then Ethan got up there with us as well! I found a remote and started pointing it at the TV like I knew what I was doing. I know you need the remote for the TV though!

That weekend, Uncle Matt came up to visit. I love Uncle Matt for many reasons...mainly because he spoils me! We barbecued and while we were sitting outside on the porch, we heard the ice cream truck. Of course, Uncle Matt couldn't resist and took me out to get my first ice cream from the truck! I got a yummy Snoopy shaped ice cream. I made a really good mess of it!

I'm getting to be such a smart boy now. I like to try to dress myself, but just don't quite get it yet...here's what happened when I tried to put my shirt on! I got my arms in the right place, but just couldn't figure out where my head was supposed to go.

And the back view...

For Easter, we went to the zoo again to feed the lorikeets. I didn't even freak out when one landed on my head!

I showed Daddy what the lions say...they say "ROAR!" really loud...and they raise their arms in the air when they do so!

I got a really awesome basket from the Easter Bunny! Gigi gave him the basket and he filled it up with all sorts of cool stuff like stickers, paint brushes, coloring books, some scissors, and even an Easter choo!

Once I got bored with my basket, we dyed some more eggs. Daddy got to help this time. I made a good mess of my hands.

Grandma came up to visit for lunch, and got to watch me go on my egg hunt in the back yard! I collected a whole lot of eggs. They had jelly beans in them! The bunny only stuck one or two in each egg...but that's probably a good thing, because I tore through just about all of them! Stinky Dog helped me a bit though, but I didn't let him eat any beans.

That's all for now, but we're finally getting caught up! It won't be long before we're all up to date! Thanks for being patient with me :)



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